Argo-Scheduling Implementation Guide CI Build
Defining URL:

The style of appointment or patient for appointment booking (not service type). These concepts are used in the FHIR Appointment, Schedule and Slot resources. The Argonaut Scheduling Visit Types are mapped to these concepts.

Source ResourceXML / JSON / Turtle


The style of appointment or patient for appointment booking (not service type). These concepts are used in the FHIR Appointment, Schedule and Slot resources. The Argonaut Scheduling Visit Types are mapped to these concepts.

This value set includes codes from the following code systems:


This value set contains 10 concepts

Expansion based on version 1.0.1, version 2.8.2, version 2.8.2

new-patient PatientAn appointment for a patient who is new to the provider
post-op appointment to follow up on an operative procedure
pre-op appointment to prepare for an operative procedure
same-day DayAn appoinment to be seen by a provider the same day
urgent appointment for an urgent problem or condition
CHECKUP routine check-up, such as an annual physical
EMERGENCY appointment
FOLLOWUP follow up visit from a previous appointment
ROUTINE appointment - default if not valued
WALKIN previously unscheduled walk-in visit